Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "The Pharmaceutical Market: New Zealand" report to their offering.Economically, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) projects that New Zealand's economy will be the smallest in the Asia-Pacific region covered by Espicom in 2016. In GDP per capita terms, New Zealand will rank fifth. Legally, New Zealand is a member of the WTO and, as a developed country, it abides by the TRIPS agreement. However, the US Trade Representative remains concerned about the policies and operation of New Zealand's Pharmaceutical Management Agency. Demographically, the EIU projects that the population of New Zealand will be the smallest population in the Asia-Pacific region by 2016 and the elderly population is expected to increase to reach the fourth highest in the region.The Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention/Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice PE 009-8, parts I, II and Annexes 1 to 3, 6 to 15, 17, 19 and 20 have been adopted as the New Zealand Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Manufacture and Distribution of Therapeutic Goods Part 1: Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products. Therefore New Zealand adheres to the PIC/S guidelines on GMP and packaging for medicinal products. Pharmaceutical regulation in New Zealand is primarily the responsibility of the Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority (Medsafe). This authority regulates all products used for a therapeutic purpose, using the Medicines Act 1981 and Regulations 1984. Medsafe is the regulatory agency responsible for the overseeing of pharmacovigilance activities in New Zealand.
The New Zealand pharmaceutical market will grow by a low single-digit CAGR in US dollar terms between 2011 and 2016. New Zealand will have the fourth smallest pharmaceutical market in the Asia-Pacific region covered by Espicom in 2016. Very little pharmaceutical manufacturing takes place in New Zealand, with only a handful of companies operating factories in the country and no multinational manufacturing presence. This is partly due to Pharmac's, the government body responsible for pricing and reimbursement, strict policies that deter multinational companies from setting up operations. New Zealand is heavily dependent on the import of retail medicaments.ENHANCED STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCEEspicom's highly regarded world pharmaceutical market reports have been redesigned to provide enhanced strategic intelligence in a user-friendly format. Each report provides in-depth information, setting the pharmaceutical market in context.The reports provide:- Five-year projections for economic, demographic, health expenditure, health workforce and pharmaceutical market indicators.- Specialised intelligence on OTCs, generics, biologics and biosimilars.- Exclusive economic and demographic data from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for each market in the series.- A separate statistical health file, comprising health expenditure, health infrastructure, health services and health personnel.
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