Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Congratulates R&B and Pop Icon Gloria Gaynor, Named 'Woman of the Year' by Arthritis Foundation Read more: Ferring Phar

Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc. congratulates GRAMMY® award-winning recording artist Gloria Gaynor, who will receive the inaugural Woman of the Year award from the Arthritis Foundation's New York Chapter. As part of the Foundation's arthritis awareness initiative, Women on the Move, Gaynor is being recognized for her formidable personal and professional accomplishments despite being diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee more than 25 years ago. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, women older than 50 years of age are more likely to develop OA of the knee than men, and approximately 60 percent of OA sufferers are women. (1) (2) Following her diagnosis in 1984, Gaynor struggled with appropriate treatment options for 25 years. As the national spokesperson for EUFLEXXA® (1 percent sodium hyaluronate) , a hyaluronic acid treatment therapy for the pain associated with knee OA, Gaynor has passionately advocated the need for increased awareness of OA knee pain, treatment options and the importance of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. "We are excited that the Arthritis Foundation has decided to honor Gloria in this way and help bring much needed attention to a disease where approximately 16 million of the nearly 27 million impacted are women," said Paul Maccini, Business Unit Head of Orthopaedics, Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc. Gaynor's hit 1978 record "I Will Survive" is a veritable anthem for anyone facing seemingly insurmountable odds, and in 1980, Gaynor earned the only GRAMMY® ever to be given for a Disco recording for "I Will Survive."

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